Source code for mymesh.quality

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Created on Sun Jan 23 23:58:18 2022
# @author: toj
Element quality measurements

| Quality Metric                                   | Best Quality  | Worst quality  |
| :func:`~mymesh.quality.AspectRatio`              | 1             | :math:`\infty` |
| :func:`~mymesh.quality.Orthogonality`            | 1             | 0              |
| :func:`~mymesh.quality.OrthogonalQuality`        | 1             | 0              |
| :func:`~mymesh.quality.InverseOrthogonality`     | 0             | 1              |
| :func:`~mymesh.quality.InverseOrthogonalQuality` | 0             | 1              |
| :func:`~mymesh.quality.Skewness`                 | 0             | 1              |
| :func:`~mymesh.quality.MeanRatio`                | 1             | 0              |

.. currentmodule:: mymesh.quality

Quality Metrics
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: submodules/


Quality Calculation Helper Functions
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: submodules/


import numpy as np

import sys, copy, warnings
from . import utils, converter, mesh

# Finite element modeling mesh quality, energy balance and validation methods: A review with recommendations associated with the modeling of bone tissue - Burkhart et al.

[docs] def AspectRatio(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False): """ Calculates element aspect ratios for each element in the mesh. For all element types, the aspect ratio is calculated as the length of the longest edge divided by the length of the shortest edge of an element. Aspect ratio is >= 1, with 1 being the optimal element quality. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. verbose : bool, optional If true, will print min, max, and mean element quality, by default False. Returns ------- aspect : np.ndarray Array of aspect ratios for each element. """ ArrayCoords = np.asarray(NodeCoords) Edges,EdgeConn = converter.solid2edges(NodeCoords,NodeConn,return_EdgeConn=True,return_EdgeElem=False) Edges = np.asarray(Edges) EdgePoints = ArrayCoords[Edges] EdgeVec = EdgePoints[:,1] - EdgePoints[:,0] lengths = np.append(np.linalg.norm(EdgeVec,axis=1),[np.nan]) REdgeConn = utils.PadRagged(EdgeConn,fillval=-1) ElemEdgeLengths = lengths[REdgeConn] aspect = np.nanmax(ElemEdgeLengths,axis=1)/np.nanmin(ElemEdgeLengths,axis=1) if verbose: minAspect = min(aspect) maxAspect = max(aspect) meanAspect = np.mean(aspect) print('------------------------------------------') print(f'Minimum Aspect Ratio: {minAspect:.3f} on Element {np.where(aspect==minAspect)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Maximum Aspect Ratio: {maxAspect:.3f} on Element {np.where(aspect==maxAspect)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Mean Aspect Ratio: {meanAspect:.3f}') print('------------------------------------------') return aspect
[docs] def Orthogonality(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False): """ Calculates element orthogonality for each element in the mesh. For all element types, orthogonality is calculated by determining the minimum of the angle cosines between face normal vectors (Ai) and the element centroid to face centroid vectors (fi) and the angle cosines between Ai and the element centroid to neighbor element centroid (ci). Orthogonality ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the worst element quality and 1 being the best. This definition of Orthogonality comes from `Ansys <>`_. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. verbose : bool, optional If true, will print min, max, and mean element quality, by default False. Returns ------- ortho : np.ndarray Array of orthogonalities for each element. """ Faces,FaceConn,FaceElem = converter.solid2faces(NodeCoords,NodeConn, return_FaceConn=True, return_FaceElem=True) RFaceConn = utils.PadRagged(FaceConn,fillval=-1) FaceElemConn, UFaces, UFaceConn, UFaceElem, idx, inv = converter.faces2faceelemconn(Faces,FaceConn,FaceElem,return_UniqueFaceInfo=True) ElemCentroids = utils.Centroids(NodeCoords,NodeConn) FaceCentroids = utils.Centroids(NodeCoords,Faces) # Face Normal Vectors A = np.append(utils.CalcFaceNormal(NodeCoords,Faces),[[np.nan,np.nan,np.nan]],axis=0) Ai = A[RFaceConn] # Vectors from element centroid to face centroid ConnectedFaceCentroids = np.append(FaceCentroids,[[np.nan,np.nan,np.nan]],axis=0)[RFaceConn] fi = ConnectedFaceCentroids - ElemCentroids[:,None,:] Aifi = np.nansum(Ai*fi,axis=2)/np.linalg.norm(fi,axis=2) # Vectors from element centroid to adjacent element centroids ArrayFaceElemConn = np.append(FaceElemConn,[[np.nan,np.nan]],axis=0) ArrayFaceElemConn[np.isnan(ArrayFaceElemConn)] = -1 ArrayFaceElemConn = ArrayFaceElemConn.astype(int) aElemCentroids = np.append(ElemCentroids,[[np.nan,np.nan,np.nan]],axis=0) c = aElemCentroids[ArrayFaceElemConn[inv][:,0]] - aElemCentroids[ArrayFaceElemConn[inv][:,1]] ci = np.append(c,[[np.nan,np.nan,np.nan]],axis=0)[RFaceConn] sidx = set(idx) sign = np.array([1 if i in sidx else -1 for i in range(len(A))])[RFaceConn] cinorm = np.linalg.norm(ci,axis=2) Aici = np.nansum(sign[:,:,None]*Ai*ci,axis=2)/cinorm Aici[np.isnan(cinorm)] = 1 # ci vectors on the surface i.e. not connected to any element ortho = np.minimum(np.nanmin(Aici,axis=1),np.nanmin(Aifi,axis=1)) if verbose: minOrtho = min(ortho) maxOrtho = max(ortho) meanOrtho = np.mean(ortho) print('------------------------------------------') print(f'Minimum Orthogonality: {minOrtho:.3f} on Element {np.where(ortho==minOrtho)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Maximum Orthogonality: {maxOrtho:.3f} on Element {np.where(ortho==maxOrtho)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Mean Orthogonality: {meanOrtho:.3f}') print('------------------------------------------') return ortho
[docs] def InverseOrthogonality(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False): """ Calculates element inverse orthogonality for each element in the mesh. For all element types, inverse orthogonality is calculated as 1-orthogonality. Inverse orthogonality ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the best element quality and 1 being the worst. This definition of Inverse Orthogonality comes from `Ansys <>`_. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. verbose : bool, optional If true, will print min, max, and mean element quality, by default False. Returns ------- iortho : np.ndarray Array of inverse orthogonalities for each element. """ ortho = Orthogonality(NodeCoords,NodeConn) iortho = 1-ortho if verbose: minIortho = min(iortho) maxIortho = max(iortho) meanIortho = np.mean(iortho) print('------------------------------------------') print(f'Minimum Inverse Orthogonality: {minIortho:.3f} on Element {np.where(iortho==minIortho)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Maximum Inverse Orthogonality: {maxIortho:.3f} on Element {np.where(iortho==maxIortho)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Mean Inverse Orthogonality: {meanIortho:.3f}') print('------------------------------------------') return iortho
[docs] def OrthogonalQuality(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False): """ Calculates element orthogonality for each element in the mesh. For all element types, orthogonal quality is calculated as 1-InverseOrthogonalQuality. Orthogonal quality ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 being the best element quality and 0 being the worst. This definition of Orthogonal Quality comes from `Ansys <>`_. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. verbose : bool, optional If true, will print min, max, and mean element quality, by default False. Returns ------- orthoq : np.ndarray Array of orthogonal qualities for each element. """ orthoq = 1-InverseOrthogonalQuality(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False) if verbose: minOrthoq = min(orthoq) maxOrthoq = max(orthoq) meanOrthoq = np.mean(orthoq) print('------------------------------------------') print(f'Minimum Orthogonal quality: {minOrthoq:.3f} on Element {np.where(orthoq==minOrthoq)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Maximum Orthogonal quality: {maxOrthoq:.3f} on Element {np.where(orthoq==maxOrthoq)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Mean Orthogonal quality: {meanOrthoq:.3f}') print('------------------------------------------') return orthoq
[docs] def InverseOrthogonalQuality(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False): """ Calculates element inverse orthogonal quality for each element in the mesh. For tetrahedral, wedge, and pyramidal elements, inverse orthogonal quality is calculated as the maximum of skewness and inverse orthogonality. For hexahedral elements, inverse orthogonal quality is simply the inverse orthogonality. Inverse orthogonal quality ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the best element quality and 1 being the worst. This definition of Inverse Orthogonal Quality comes from `Ansys <>`_. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. verbose : bool, optional If true, will print min, max, and mean element quality, by default False. Returns ------- iorthoq : np.ndarray Array of inverse orthogonal quality for each element. """ iortho = InverseOrthogonality(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False) skew = Skewness(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False) nElem = np.array([len(elem) for elem in NodeConn]) TetWdgPyr = nElem < 8 iorthoq = copy.copy(iortho) iorthoq[TetWdgPyr] = np.maximum(skew[TetWdgPyr],iortho[TetWdgPyr]) if verbose: minIorthoq = min(iorthoq) maxIorthoq = max(iorthoq) meanIorthoq = np.mean(iorthoq) print('------------------------------------------') print(f'Minimum Inverse Orthogonal quality: {minIorthoq:.3f} on Element {np.where(iorthoq==minIorthoq)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Maximum Inverse Orthogonal quality: {maxIorthoq:.3f} on Element {np.where(iorthoq==maxIorthoq)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Mean Inverse Orthogonal quality: {meanIorthoq:.3f}') print('------------------------------------------') return iorthoq
[docs] def Skewness(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False,simplexmethod='size'): """ Calculates element skewness for each element in the mesh. For triangular, hexahedral, wedge, and pyramidal elements, skewness is calculated by the equiangular skewness method. For tetrahedral elements, skewness is calculated by either the equiangular skewness method or the equilateral volume skewness method. Skewness ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the best element quality and 1 being the worst. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. verbose : bool, optional If true, will print min, max, and mean element quality, as well as the number of 'slivers' i.e. elements with skewness above 0.9, by default False. simplexmethod : str, optional Method to be used for triangular/tetrahedral skewness, by default 'size'. 'size' - uses equilateral area/volume skewness method. 'angle' - uses equiangular skewness method. Returns ------- skew : np.ndarray Array of skewness for each element. """ Type = utils.identify_type(NodeCoords, NodeConn) if simplexmethod == 'angle': skew = equiangular_skewness(NodeCoords,NodeConn) elif simplexmethod == 'size': skew = np.zeros(len(NodeConn)) Ls = np.array([len(elem) for elem in NodeConn]) if Type == 'surf': triIdx = np.where(Ls == 3)[0] tetIdx = [] otherIdx = np.where((Ls != 3))[0] elif Type == 'vol': tetIdx = np.where(Ls == 4)[0] triIdx = [] otherIdx = np.where(Ls != 4)[0] if len(triIdx) > 0: Tris = [NodeConn[i] for i in triIdx] TriSkew = tri_area_skewness(NodeCoords,Tris) skew[triIdx] = TriSkew if len(tetIdx) > 0: Tets = [NodeConn[i] for i in tetIdx] TetSkew = tet_vol_skewness(NodeCoords,Tets) skew[tetIdx] = TetSkew if len(otherIdx) > 0: Others = [NodeConn[i] for i in otherIdx] OtherSkew = equiangular_skewness(NodeCoords,Others) skew[otherIdx] = OtherSkew else: raise Exception('Invalid simplexmethod argument. Must be "angle" or "size".') if verbose: minSkew = min(skew) maxSkew = max(skew) meanSkew = np.mean(skew) nSliver = sum(skew>0.9) print('------------------------------------------') print(f'Minimum Skewness: {minSkew:.3f} on Element {np.where(skew==minSkew)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Maximum Skewness: {maxSkew:.3f} on Element {np.where(skew==maxSkew)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Mean Skewness: {meanSkew:.3f}') print(f'{nSliver:d} Elements with Skewness > 0.9') print('------------------------------------------') return skew
[docs] def MinDihedral(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False): """ Calculate the minimum dihedral angle between element faces Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : array_like List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : array_like List of nodal connectivities. verbose : bool, optional If true, will print min, max, and mean element min dihedral angle, by default False. Returns ------- MinAngles : np.ndarray Array of minimum dihedral angles for each angle. """ Faces, FaceConn, FaceElem = converter.solid2faces(NodeCoords,NodeConn,return_FaceConn=True,return_FaceElem=True) Normals = np.asarray(utils.CalcFaceNormal(NodeCoords,Faces)) tetkey = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[1,2],[2,3],[3,1]]) pyrkey = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,1]]) wdgkey = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[1,2],[2,3],[3,1],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4]]) hexkey = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,1],[1,5],[2,5],[3,5],[4,5]]) elemkeys = [tetkey if len(elem)==4 else pyrkey if len(elem)==5 else wdgkey if len(elem)==6 else hexkey if len(elem)==8 else [] for elem in NodeConn] MinAngles = np.array([np.min(dihedralAngles(Normals[FaceConn[i]][elemkeys[i][:,0]],Normals[FaceConn[i]][elemkeys[i][:,1]],Abs=True)) for i in range(len(NodeConn))]) if verbose: minAngle = min(MinAngles) maxAngle = max(MinAngles) meanAngle = np.mean(MinAngles) print('------------------------------------------') print(f'Minimum Minimum Dihedral Angle: {minAngle*180/np.pi:.3f}° on Element {np.where(MinAngles==minAngle)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Maximum Minimum Dihedral Angle: {maxAngle*180/np.pi:.3f}° on Element {np.where(MinAngles==maxAngle)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Mean Minimum Dihedral Angle: {meanAngle*180/np.pi:.3f}°') print('------------------------------------------') return MinAngles
[docs] def MaxDihedral(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False): """ Calculate the maximum dihedral angle between element faces Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : array_like List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : array_like List of nodal connectivities. verbose : bool, optional If true, will print min, max, and mean element max dihedral angle, by default False. Returns ------- MaxAngles : np.ndarray Array of maximum dihedral angles for each angle. """ Faces, FaceConn, FaceElem = converter.solid2faces(NodeCoords,NodeConn,return_FaceConn=True,return_FaceElem=True) Normals = np.asarray(utils.CalcFaceNormal(NodeCoords,Faces)) tetkey = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[1,2],[2,3],[3,1]]) pyrkey = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,1]]) wdgkey = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[1,2],[2,3],[3,1],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4]]) hexkey = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,1],[1,5],[2,5],[3,5],[4,5]]) elemkeys = [tetkey if len(elem)==4 else pyrkey if len(elem)==5 else wdgkey if len(elem)==6 else hexkey if len(elem)==8 else [] for elem in NodeConn] MaxAngles = np.array([np.max(dihedralAngles(Normals[FaceConn[i]][elemkeys[i][:,0]],Normals[FaceConn[i]][elemkeys[i][:,1]],Abs=True)) for i in range(len(NodeConn))]) if verbose: minAngle = min(MaxAngles) maxAngle = max(MaxAngles) meanAngle = np.mean(MaxAngles) print('------------------------------------------') print(f'Minimum Maximum Dihedral Angle: {minAngle*180/np.pi:.3f}° on Element {np.where(MaxAngles==minAngle)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Maximum Maximum Dihedral Angle: {maxAngle*180/np.pi:.3f}° on Element {np.where(MaxAngles==maxAngle)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Mean Maximum Dihedral Angle: {meanAngle*180/np.pi:.3f}°') print('------------------------------------------') return MaxAngles
[docs] def MeanRatio(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False): NodeConn = np.asarray(NodeConn) D = np.empty((len(NodeConn),3,3)) D[:,0,:] = NodeCoords[NodeConn[:,1]] - NodeCoords[NodeConn[:,0]] D[:,1,:] = NodeCoords[NodeConn[:,2]] - NodeCoords[NodeConn[:,0]] D[:,2,:] = NodeCoords[NodeConn[:,3]] - NodeCoords[NodeConn[:,0]] W = np.array([ [1, 1/2, 1/2], [0, np.sqrt(3)/2, np.sqrt(3)/6], [0, 0, np.sqrt(2/3)] ]) # Matrix multiplication in a numba-friendly style S =,3), np.linalg.inv(W)).reshape(D.shape) Sfrob = np.linalg.norm(S, ord='fro', axis=(1,2)) # Sfrob = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum(S ** 2, axis=1),axis=1)) det = np.linalg.det(S) inv = det < 0 q = 3*np.abs(det)**(2/3) / Sfrob**2 q[inv] = -1*q[inv] if verbose: minq = min(q) maxq = max(q) meanq = np.mean(q) print('------------------------------------------') print(f'Minimum Mean Ratio: {minq:.3f} on Element {np.where(q==minq)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Maximum Mean Ratio: {maxq:.3f} on Element {np.where(q==maxq)[0][0]:.0f}') print(f'Mean Mean Ratio: {meanq:.3f}') print('------------------------------------------') return q
[docs] def Area(NodeCoords,NodeConn,Type=None,verbose=False): """ Calculates element areas for each element in the mesh. For volume elements, the area will be the total surface area of each element. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : array_like List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : array_like List of nodal connectivities. Type : str Specifies whether the mesh is a surface ('surf') or volume ('vol') mesh. If None, will be automatically determined by :func:`~mymesh.utils.identify_type`, by default, None. Returns ------- A : np.ndarray Array of area for each element. """ # assert np.shape(NodeConn)[1] == 3, 'Currently only valid for triangular elements.' if Type is None: Type = utils.identify_type(NodeCoords,NodeConn) if Type == 'surf': ArrayCoords = np.asarray(NodeCoords) _, TriConn, inv = converter.surf2tris(NodeCoords, NodeConn, return_inv=True) area = tri_area(ArrayCoords, TriConn) A = np.zeros(len(NodeConn)), inv, area) else: # Calculate element surface area Faces, FaceConn = converter.solid2faces(NodeCoords, NodeConn, return_FaceConn=True) area = Area(NodeCoords, Faces, 'surf') area = np.append(area,0) A = np.sum(area[utils.PadRagged(FaceConn)],axis=1) if verbose: minArea = min(A) maxArea = max(A) meanArea = np.mean(A) print('------------------------------------------') print('Minimum Area: {:.2e} on Element {:.0f}'.format(minArea,np.where(A==minArea)[0][0])) print('Maximum Area: {:.2e} on Element {:.0f}'.format(maxArea,np.where(A==maxArea)[0][0])) print('Mean Area: {:.2e}'.format(meanArea)) print('------------------------------------------') return A
[docs] def Volume(NodeCoords,NodeConn,verbose=False,ElemType='auto'): """ Calculates element volumes for each element in the mesh. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : array_like List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : array_like List of nodal connectivities. verbose : bool, optional If true, will print min, max, and mean element volume, by default False. ElemType : str, optional Specifies which element type the mesh contains. For any input other than 'tet', elements will be temporarily converted to tet sub-elements for the purposes of volume calculation, then summed to get the full element volume Returns ------- V : np.ndarray Array of volumes for each element. """ if len(NodeConn) == 0: return [] if ElemType != 'tet': ArrayCoords,TetConn,inv = converter.solid2tets(NodeCoords,NodeConn,return_inv=True) ArrayCoords = np.asarray(ArrayCoords) ArrayConn = np.asarray(TetConn, dtype=int) else: ArrayCoords = np.asarray(NodeCoords) ArrayConn = np.asarray(NodeConn, dtype=int) vol = tet_volume(ArrayCoords, ArrayConn) if ElemType != 'tet': V = np.zeros(len(NodeConn)),inv,vol) else: V = vol if verbose: minVol = min(V) maxVol = max(V) meanVol = np.mean(V) totalVol = np.sum(V) print('------------------------------------------') print('Minimum Volume: {:.2e} on Element {:.0f}'.format(minVol,np.where(V==minVol)[0][0])) print('Maximum Volume: {:.2e} on Element {:.0f}'.format(maxVol,np.where(V==maxVol)[0][0])) print('Mean Volume: {:.2e}'.format(meanVol)) print('------------------------------------------') print('Total Volume: {:.2e}'.format(totalVol)) print('------------------------------------------') return V
def tri_area(NodeCoords, NodeConn): Points = np.asarray(NodeCoords)[np.asarray(NodeConn)] area = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(Points[:,1]-Points[:,0],Points[:,2]-Points[:,0]),axis=1)/2 return area def tet_volume(NodeCoords, NodeConn): pt0 = NodeCoords[NodeConn][:,0] pt1 = NodeCoords[NodeConn][:,1] pt2 = NodeCoords[NodeConn][:,2] pt3 = NodeCoords[NodeConn][:,3] vol = -np.sum((pt0-pt1)*np.cross((pt1-pt3),(pt2-pt3)),axis=1)/6 return vol
[docs] def tri_skewness(NodeCoords,NodeConn): """ Calculates triangular skewness for each triangle in the mesh. Mesh should be strictly triangular. Skewness ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the best element quality and 1 being the worst. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. Returns ------- skew : np.ndarray Array of skewness for each element. """ points = np.asarray(NodeCoords)[np.asarray(NodeConn)] A = points[:,0] B = points[:,1] C = points[:,2] a2 = (B[:,0]-C[:,0])**2 + (B[:,1]-C[:,1])**2 + (B[:,2]-C[:,2])**2 a = np.sqrt(a2) b2 = (C[:,0]-A[:,0])**2 + (C[:,1]-A[:,1])**2 + (C[:,2]-A[:,2])**2 b = np.sqrt(b2) c2 = (A[:,0]-B[:,0])**2 + (A[:,1]-B[:,1])**2 + (A[:,2]-B[:,2])**2 c = np.sqrt(c2) # Law of cosines alpha = np.arccos(np.clip((b2+c2-a2)/(2*b*c),-1,1)) beta = np.arccos(np.clip((a2+c2-b2)/(2*a*c),-1,1)) gamma = np.arccos(np.clip((a2+b2-c2)/(2*a*b),-1,1)) # Normalized Equiangular Skewness thetaMax = np.max([alpha,beta,gamma],axis=0) thetaMin = np.min([alpha,beta,gamma],axis=0) thetaEqui = np.pi/3 skew = np.maximum((thetaMax-thetaEqui)/(np.pi-thetaEqui),(thetaEqui-thetaMin)/(thetaEqui)) return skew
def tri_area_skewness(NodeCoords,NodeConn): """ Calculates element skewness for each triangular element in the mesh using the equilateral area skewness method. Skewness ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the best element quality and 1 being the worst. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. Returns ------- skew : np.ndarray Array of skewness for each element. """ # Area-based if np.shape(NodeCoords)[1] == 2: NodeCoords = np.hstack([NodeCoords, np.zeros((len(NodeCoords,1)))]) A = Area(NodeCoords,NodeConn) points = np.asarray(NodeCoords)[np.asarray(NodeConn)] # edge lengths e1 = points[:,0] - points[:,2] e2 = points[:,1] - points[:,2] l1 = np.linalg.norm(e1,axis=1) l2 = np.linalg.norm(e2,axis=1) # Circumcircle with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): R = l1 * l2 * np.linalg.norm(e1-e2,axis=1)/(2*(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(e1, e2),axis=1))) Aideal = 3*np.sqrt(3)/4 * R**2 skew = (Aideal - A)/Aideal return skew
[docs] def quad_skewness(NodeCoords,NodeConn): """ Calculates quadrilateral skewness for each quad in the mesh. Mesh should be strictly quadrilateral. Skewness ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the best element quality and 1 being the worst. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. Returns ------- skew : np.ndarray Array of skewness for each element. """ points = np.asarray(NodeCoords)[np.asarray(NodeConn)] A = points[:,0] B = points[:,1] C = points[:,2] D = points[:,3] # Diagonals BD2 = (B[:,0]-D[:,0])**2 + (B[:,1]-D[:,1])**2 + (B[:,2]-D[:,2])**2 AC2 = (C[:,0]-A[:,0])**2 + (C[:,1]-A[:,1])**2 + (C[:,2]-A[:,2])**2 # Sides AB2 = (B[:,0]-A[:,0])**2 + (B[:,1]-A[:,1])**2 + (B[:,2]-A[:,2])**2 AB = np.sqrt(AB2) BC2 = (B[:,0]-C[:,0])**2 + (B[:,1]-C[:,1])**2 + (B[:,2]-C[:,2])**2 BC = np.sqrt(BC2) CD2 = (D[:,0]-C[:,0])**2 + (D[:,1]-C[:,1])**2 + (D[:,2]-C[:,2])**2 CD = np.sqrt(CD2) AD2 = (D[:,0]-A[:,0])**2 + (D[:,1]-A[:,1])**2 + (D[:,2]-A[:,2])**2 AD = np.sqrt(AD2) # Law of cosines alpha = np.arccos(np.clip((AB2+AD2-BD2)/(2*AB*AD),-1,1)) beta = np.arccos(np.clip((AB2+BC2-AC2)/(2*AB*BC),-1,1)) gamma = np.arccos(np.clip((BC2+CD2-BD2)/(2*BC*CD),-1,1)) delta = np.arccos(np.clip((AD2+CD2-AC2)/(2*AD*CD),-1,1)) # Normalized Equiangular Skewness thetaMax = np.max([alpha,beta,gamma,delta],axis=0) thetaMin = np.min([alpha,beta,gamma,delta],axis=0) thetaEqui = np.pi/2 skew = np.max([(thetaMax-thetaEqui)/(np.pi-thetaEqui),(thetaEqui-thetaMin)/(thetaEqui)],axis=0) return skew
[docs] def tet_vol_skewness(NodeCoords, NodeConn, V=None): """ Calculates element skewness for each tetrahedral element in the mesh using the equilateral volume skewness method. Skewness ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the best element quality and 1 being the worst. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : array_like List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list, array_like List of nodal connectivities. V : array_like, optional Volume of tetrahedra. If not provided, the volumes will be calculated. Returns ------- skew : np.ndarray Array of skewness for each element. """ # Volume-based if V is None: V = Volume(NodeCoords,NodeConn,ElemType='tet') else: V = np.asarray(V) points = np.asarray(NodeCoords)[np.asarray(NodeConn)] # edge lengths a = np.linalg.norm(points[:,0] - points[:,3],axis=1) b = np.linalg.norm(points[:,1] - points[:,3],axis=1) c = np.linalg.norm(points[:,2] - points[:,3],axis=1) A = np.linalg.norm(points[:,1] - points[:,2],axis=1) B = np.linalg.norm(points[:,2] - points[:,0],axis=1) C = np.linalg.norm(points[:,0] - points[:,1],axis=1) # Circumradius with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): R = np.sqrt((a*A+b*B+c*C)*(a*A+b*B-c*C)*(a*A-b*B+c*C)*(-a*A+b*B+c*C))/(24*V) Videal = 8*np.sqrt(3)/27 * R**3 skew = (Videal - V)/Videal return skew
[docs] def equiangular_skewness(NodeCoords,NodeConn): """ Calculates element skewness for each element in the mesh using the equiangular skewness method. Skewness ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the best element quality and 1 being the worst. Parameters ---------- NodeCoords : list List of nodal coordinates. NodeConn : list List of nodal connectivities. Returns ------- skew : np.ndarray Array of skewness for each element. """ Faces,FaceConn = converter.solid2faces(NodeCoords,NodeConn,return_FaceConn=True) FaceSkew = np.zeros(len(Faces)) Ls = np.array([len(elem) for elem in Faces]) triIdx = np.where(Ls == 3)[0] if len(triIdx) > 0: Tris = [Faces[i] for i in triIdx] TriSkew = tri_skewness(NodeCoords,Tris) FaceSkew[triIdx] = TriSkew quadIdx = np.where(Ls == 4)[0] if len(quadIdx) > 0: Quads = [Faces[i] for i in quadIdx] QuadSkew = quad_skewness(NodeCoords,Quads) FaceSkew[quadIdx] = QuadSkew RFaceConn = utils.PadRagged(FaceConn) FaceSkew = np.append(FaceSkew,np.nan) skew = np.nanmax(FaceSkew[RFaceConn],axis=1) return skew
[docs] def dihedralAngles(Nis,Njs,Abs=False): """ Calculate dihedral angles between paired normal vectors. This function is primarily for internal use with MinDihedral() and MaxDihedral() Parameters ---------- Nis : array_like First list of normal vectors Njs : array_like Second list of normal vectors Abs : bool, optional Determines whether to calculate the angles as arccos(abs(...)) or arccos(...), by default False Returns ------- angles : np.ndarray Dihedral angles """ if Abs: angles = np.arccos(np.clip(np.abs(np.sum((np.asarray(Nis)*np.asarray(Njs)),axis=1)),0,1)) else: angles = np.arccos(np.clip(np.sum((np.asarray(Nis)*np.asarray(Njs)),axis=1),-1,1)) return angles
[docs] def SurfDihedralAngles(ElemNormals,ElemNeighbors): """ Calculate dihedral angles between adjacent faces in a triangular surface mesh Parameters ---------- ElemNormals : array_like Array of normal vectors for each face in a surface mesh (ex. from utils.CalcFaceNormal or mesh.ElemNormals) ElemNeighbors : array_like List of element neighbor IDs for each element in the triangular surface mesh (each element should have three neighbors). Returns ------- angles : np.ndarray Dihedral angles between adjacent element faces """ ElemNormals = np.asarray(ElemNormals) ElemNeighbors = np.asarray(ElemNeighbors) NeighborNormals = ElemNormals[ElemNeighbors] angles = np.arccos(np.clip(np.sum((np.array(ElemNormals)[:,None]*NeighborNormals),axis=2),-1,1)) return angles