Delaunay triangulation and related methods
Currently this module consists of several basic implementations of algorithms related to Delaunay triangulation, as well as interfaces to Delaunay triangulation with SciPy (which uses QHull) and Jonathan Shewchuk’s Triangle. Further development with improved Delaunay triangulation and tetrahedralization capabilities are planned for the future.
Generic interface for two dimensional triangulation. |
Bowyer-Watson algorithm for 2D Delaunay triangulation |
Wrapper for scipy.spatial.Delaunay |
Interface to Jonathan Shewchuk's Triangle via a python wrapper ( |
Bowyer-Watson algorithm for 3D Delaunay tetrahedralization |
Convex Hull#
ConvexHull_GiftWrapping Gift wrapping algorithm for computing the convex hull of a set of 2D points. |
ConvexHullFanTriangulation Generate a fan triangulation of a convex hull |