
Tools for calculating curvature

See also Curvature in the Theory Guide.

Curvature Calculation#

NormCurve(NodeCoords, SurfConn, ...)

Mesh based curvatures by normal curvature approximation.

QuadFit(NodeCoords, SurfConn, NodeNeighbors, ...)

Mesh based curvatures by quadratic surface fitting.

CubicFit(NodeCoords, SurfConn, ...)

Mesh based curvatures by cubic surface fitting.

AnalyticalCurvature(func, NodeCoords)

Calculate curvature of an implicit function.

ImageCurvature(I[, NodeCoords, ...])

Calculate curvatures based on a 3D image.

Curvature Conversion#

MeanCurvature(MaxPrincipal, MinPrincipal)

Calculate the mean curvature from the maximum and minimum principal curvatures.

GaussianCurvature(MaxPrincipal, MinPrincipal)

Calculate the Gaussian curvature from the maximum and minimum principal curvatures.

Curvedness(MaxPrincipal, MinPrincipal)

Calculate the curvedness from the maximum and minimum principal curvatures.

ShapeIndex(MaxPrincipal, MinPrincipal)

Calculate shape indices from the maximum and minimum principal curvatures.


Categorize shape indices into a nine point scale.