
mymesh.converter.hexsubdivide(NodeCoords, NodeConn)[source]#

Subdivide hexahedra into 8 sub-hexahedra, connecting corners to the element, face, and edge centroids.

  • NodeCoords (array_like) – List of node coordinates

  • NodeConn (array_like) – List of node connectivities (must be purely hexahedra, shape=(n,8))


  • NewCoords (np.ndarray) – Node coordinates of the subdivided mesh. The node new nodes are appended to the original nodes, so the node numbers of the original mesh will refer to the same nodes in the new mesh.

  • NewConn (np.ndarray) – Node connectivities of the subdivided mesh. The elements are ordered so that the first element in the original mesh is subdivided into the first 8 elements in the new mesh, the second element in the mesh is the next 8 elements, and so on.