Mesh quality improvement
Many of these functions are still being improved for both efficiency and robustness.
Mesh smoothing/node repositioning#
Performs iterative Laplacian smoothing, repositioning each node to the center of its adjacent nodes. |
Performs tangential Laplacian smoothing [OBP03], repositioning each node to the center of its adjacent nodes in the plane tangent to the surface. |
Performs smart Laplacian smoothing [Fre97], repositioning each node to the center of its adjacent nodes only if doing so doesn't reduce the element quality. |
Geometric element transformation method for tetrahedral mesh smoothing [VWS09]. |
Perform node spring smoothing, with or without mesh deformation. |
SegmentSpringSmoothing - Blom, F.J., 2000. |
Local mesh topology#
Edge contraction for tetrahedral mesh coarsening and quality improvement. |
Edge splitting of tetrahedral meshes. |
Tetrahedral mesh quality improvement using multiple local operations. |