- mymesh.improvement.NodeSpringSmoothing(M, Stiffness=1, Forces=None, Displacements=None, options={})[source]#
Perform node spring smoothing, with or without mesh deformation. Uses the node spring analogy [Blo00] to redistribute nodes and achieve equilibrium. If Forces and/or Displacements are prescribed, this an be used to deform a mesh while keeping nodes spread apart.
Element inversions aren’t strictly prevented and may result from large deformations.
- Parameters:
M (mymesh.mesh) – Mesh object to smooth
Stiffness (float, optional) – Spring stiffness, by default 1. If no forces are applied, the choice of stiffness is irrelevant.
Forces (np.ndarray or NoneType, optional) – nx3 array of applied forces, where n is the number of nodes in the mesh. If provided, there must be forces assigned to all nodes, by default None.
Displacments (np.ndarray or NoneType, optional) – nx3 array of applied forces, where n is the number of nodes in the mesh. If provided, there must be forces assigned to all nodes, by default None. Nodes with non-zero displacements will be held fixed at their displaced position, while nodes with zero displacement in x, y, and z will be free to move (to prescribe a displacement of 0 to hold a node in place, add that node to options[‘FixedNodes’].)
options (dict) –
Smoothing options. Available options are:
- iterateint or str
Fixed number of iterations to perform, or ‘converge’ to iterate until convergence, by default ‘converge’.
- tolerancefloat
Convergence tolerance. For local Laplacian smoothing, iteration will terminate if the largest movement of a node is less than the specified tolerance, by default 1e-3.
- maxIterint
Maximum number of iterations when iterate=’converge’, By default 20.
- FixedNodesset or array_like
Set of nodes that are held fixed during iteration, by default none are fixed.
- FixFeaturesbool
If true, feature nodes on edges or corners (identified by
) will be held in place, by default False.- FixSurfbool
If true, all nodes on the surface will be held in place and only interior nodes will be smoothed, by default True.
- Returns:
Mnew – Mesh object with the new node locations.
- Return type: