
mymesh.curvature.CubicFit(NodeCoords, SurfConn, NodeNeighborhoods, NodeNormals)[source]#

Mesh based curvatures by cubic surface fitting. Curvatures calculated in this way are sensitive to triangulation, with highly skewed triangles contributing error. From Goldfeather & Interrante (2004). [GI04]

  • NodeCoords (list, np.ndarray) – List of nodal coordinates.

  • SurfConn (list, np.ndarray) – Nodal connectivity list for a surface mesh.

  • NodeNeighbors (list) – List of neighbors for each node. This can be obtained with utils.getNodeNeighbors or mesh.NodeNeighbors.

  • NodeNormals (list, np.ndarray) – Unit normal vectors for each node in a nx3 array. This can be obtained with utils.CalcFaceNormal and utils.Face2NodeNormal, or mesh.NodeNormals.


  • MaxPrincipal (list) – List of maximum principal curvatures for each node.

  • MinPrincipal (list) – List of minimum principal curvatures for each node.