
mymesh.delaunay.Triangulate(NodeCoords, Constraints=None, method=None, tol=1e-08)[source]#

Generic interface for two dimensional triangulation.

  • NodeCoords (array_like) – Coordinates of nodes to be triangulated. This can be an (n,3) or (n,2) array_like, however if given as an (n,3), the third dimension is ignored.

  • Constraints (array_like, optional) – List of edge constraints that must be present in the final triangulation, by default None. Edge constraints should be specified by node indices, for example [[0, 1], [1,2], …]

  • method (str, optional) – Triangulation method, by default ‘BowyerWatson’ if no constraints are provided and ‘Triangle’ if constraints are provided. ‘BowyerWatson’ - Generate a Delaunay triangulation by the Bowyer-Watson algorithm ‘NonDelaunay’ - Generate a non-Delaunay triangulation by triangle splitting ‘scipy’ - Use scipy.spatial.delaunay ‘Triangle’ - Use Jonathon Shewchuk’s Delaunay triangulator