- mesh.CreateBoundaryLayer(nLayers, FixedNodes={}, StiffnessFactor=1, Thickness=None, OptimizeTets=True, FaceSets='surf')[source]#
Generate boundary layer elements. Based partially on Bottasso, C. L., & Detomi, D. (2002). A procedure for tetrahedral boundary layer mesh generation. Engineering with Computers, 18(1), 66-79. [BD02]
Currently surfaces must be strictly triangular.
- Parameters:
nLayers (int) – Number of element layers to generate.
FixedNodes (set or list, optional) – Set of nodes that will be held fixed, by default set(). It is not necessary to specify any fixed nodes, and by default the starting nodes of the boundary layer will be held fixed.
StiffnessFactor (int or float, optional) – Stiffness factor used for the spring network, by default 1
Thickness (float or NoneType, optional) – Specified value for the maximum total thickness of the boundary layers. If nLayers > 1, this thickness is subdivided by nLayers, by default None
OptimizeTets (bool, optional) – If True, will perform tetrahedral mesh optimization (see improvement.TetOpt), by default True.
FaceSets (str or list, optional) – FaceSet or list of FaceSets to generate boundary later elements on, by default [‘surf’]. While mesh.FaceSets can generally contain any element face, boundary layer face sets must be surface faces; however, the face ids contained within the face sets should index mesh.Faces, and not mesh.SurfConn. The default value of ‘surf’ can be used even if no sets exist in mesh.FaceSets and will generate boundary layer elements along the entire surface. If mesh.FaceSets is empty, or doesn’t contain a key with the name ‘surf’, the surface mesh will be used, otherwise, mesh.FaceSets[‘surf’] will be used.