
mesh.Threshold(scalars, threshold, mode=None, scalar_preference='elements', all_nodes=True, InPlace=False, cleanup=False)[source]#

Threshold the mesh by scalar values at either nodes or elements.

  • scalars (str or array_like) – Values to be used for thresholding, either a string indicating an entry in NodeData or ElemData, or an array_like of values.

  • threshold (int, float, or tuple) – Thresholding value(s) to use. If provided as a two element tuple, they’re taken to be lower and upper bounds.

  • mode (str, optional) –

    Thresholding condition to determine which elements to keep in the mesh.

    Single threshold options:

    ’>=’ - Keeping condition is value >= threshold, default.

    ’>’ - Keeping condition is value > threshold.

    ’<’ - Keeping condition is value < threshold.

    ’<=’ - Keeping condition is value <= threshold.

    ’==’ - Keeping condition is value == threshold.

    Double threshold options:

    ’in’ - Inside bounds, inclusive of thresholds, default.

    ’xin’ - Inside bounds, exclusive of thresholds.

    ’out’ - Outside bounds, inclusive of thresholds.

    ’xout’ - Outside bounds, exclusive of threhsolds.

    ’<=<=’ - Keeping condition is lower <= value <= upper, equivalent to ‘in’.

    ’<<’ - Keeping condition is lower < value < upper, equivalent to ‘xin’.

    ’>=>=’ - Keeping condition is (lower >= value) | (value >= upper), equivalent to ‘out’.

    ’>>’ - Keeping condition is (lower > value) | (value > upper), equivalent to ‘xout’

  • scalar_preference (str, optional) – If scalars is provided as a string and that string exists as an entry in both NodeData and ElemData, this determines which will be used. Must be either ‘nodes’ or ‘elements’, by default ‘elements’.

  • all_nodes (bool, optional) – If node data is being used, this determines whether to keep an element if all nodes pass the thresholding condition or if any nodes pass the condition, by default True

  • InPlace (bool, optional) – If true, this mesh will be modified, otherwise a copy of the mesh will be created and modified, by default False.

  • cleanup (bool, optional) – Option to run mesh.cleanup(), removing nodes that are no longer in the cropped mesh, by default False.