- mymesh.contour.Adaptive(func, bounds, threshold=0, method=None, grad=None, mindepth=2, maxdepth=5, octree_strategy='EDerror', octree_eps=0.1, dualgrid_method='centroid', Type='surf')[source]#
Adaptively contour an implicit function. Uses an octree (
) to adaptively sample the function, then uses the chosen method to contour the dual grid (Octree2Dual()
) of the octree.Based on, but not an exact implementation of, Dual Marching Cubes [SW05].
- Parameters:
func (function) – Implicit function that describes the geometry of the object to be meshed. The function should be of the form v = f(x,y,z) and capable of handling vectorized inputs.
bounds (array_like) – 6 element array, list, or tuple with the minimum and maximum bounds in each direction that the function will be evaluated. This should be formatted as: [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]
threshold (scalar) – Isovalue threshold to use for keeping/removing elements, by default 0.
method (str, optional) –
Contouring method to be used
”mc”: Marching Cubes
”mc33”: Marching Cubes 33
”mt”: Marching Tetrahedra
By default, “mc33” will be chosen if Type=’surf’ and “mt” if Type=’vol’.
grad (function, optional) – Gradient of the function. By default, the gradient will be obtained through either symbolic differentiation or finite difference approximation.
mindepth (int, optional) – Minimum octree depth, by default 2
maxdepth (int, optional) – Maximum octree depth, by default 5
octree_strategy (str, optional) – Octree subdivision strategy (see
), by default ‘EDerror’.octree_eps (float, optional) – Error tolerance for octree subdivision (see
), by default 0.1dualgrid_method (str, optional) – Method for placing dual grid vertices (see
), by default ‘centroid’.Type (str, optional) – Specifies whether to generate a surface mesh (“surf”) or a volume mesh (“vol”), by default ‘surf’
- Returns:
NodeCoords (np.ndarray) – Node Coordinates of the contour mesh.
NodeConn (list) – Node connectivity list.
func = implicit.unionf(,0,-1.5,0,-1.5,1.5),implicit.sphere([0,0,0], 1)) bounds = [-2,2,-2,2,-2,2] S = mesh(*contour.Adaptive(func, bounds, mindepth=2, maxdepth=7)) S.plot(bgcolor='w', show_edges=True)