- mymesh.rays.BoundaryBoundaryIntersection(NodeCoords1, BoundaryConn1, NodeCoords2, BoundaryConn2, eps=0, return_pts=False)[source]#
Identify intersections between two surface meshes.
- Parameters:
NodeCoords1 (array_like) – Node coordinates of the first boundary mesh
BoundaryConn1 (list, array_like) – Node connectivity of the first boundary mesh
NodeCoords2 (array_like) – Node coordinates of the second bounday mesh
BoundaryConn2 (list, array_like) – Node connectivity of the second boundary mesh
eps (float, optional) – Small tolerance parameter, by default 0, by default 1e-14
return_pts (bool, optional) – If true, will return intersection points, by default False.
- Returns:
Intersections1 (np.ndarray) – Element ids from the first mesh that intersect with the second
Intersections2 (np.ndarray) – Element ids from the second mesh that intersect with the first
IntersectionPoints (np.ndarray, optional) – Coordinates of intersections (returned if return_pts=True)