- mymesh.rays.RayBoxIntersection(pt, ray, xlim, ylim, zlim)[source]#
Intersection algorithm for detecting intersections between a ray and an axis-aligned box. Williams, A., Barrus, S., Morley, R. K., & Shirley, P. (2005). An efficient and robust ray-box intersection algorithm. ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, SIGGRAPH 2005, 10(1), 55-60. [WBMS05]
- Parameters:
pt (array_like) – 3D coordinates for the starting point of the ray.
ray (array_like) – 3D vector of ray direction. This should, in general, be a unit vector.
xlim (array_like) – Two element list, array, or tuple with the upper and lower x-direction bounds for an axis-aligned box.
ylim (array_like) – Two element list, array, or tuple with the upper and lower y-direction bounds for an axis-aligned box.
zlim (array_like) – Two element list, array, or tuple with the upper and lower z-direction bounds for an axis-aligned box.
- Returns:
intersection – True if there is an intersection between the ray and the box, otherwise False.
- Return type: