- mymesh.rays.RaysSurfIntersection(pts, rays, NodeCoords, SurfConn, bidirectional=True, eps=1e-14, Octree='generate')[source]#
Identify intersections between rays and a triangular surface mesh.
- Parameters:
pts (array_like) – 3D point coordinates (shape = (m,3))
ray (array_like) – 3D vectors (shape = (m,3))
NodeCoords (array_like) – nx3 list of node coordinates
SurfConn (array_like) – List of surface element connectivities. This should be a strictly triangular mesh. See
for conversion.bidirectional (bool) – Determines whether to check for intersections only in the direction the ray is pointing, or in both directions (±ray), by default False.
eps (float, optional) – Small tolerance parameter, by default 1e-14
Octree (str, octree.OctreeNode, or NoneType, optional) –
Specify whether to use an octree structure for acceleration of intersection tests. An octree previously constructed using
can be used, or one can be generated by default ‘generate’.’generate’ : Create an octree
’None’ or None : Don’t use an octree
octree.OctreeNode : Use this octree
- Returns:
intersections (np.ndarray) – Indices of triangles that are intersected by ray.
distances (np.ndarray) – Distances between the point and the intersection point.
intersectionPts (np.ndarray) – Coordinates of intersection points for each intersection.