- mymesh.visualize.View(M, interactive=True, bgcolor=None, color=None, face_alpha=1, color_convert=None, clim=None, theme='default', scalar_preference='nodes', view='iso', scalars=None, show_edges=False, show_faces=True, line_width=1, line_color=None, return_image=False, hide=False, shading='flat')[source]#
Visualize a mesh. View uses vispy for visualization.
- Parameters:
M (mymesh.mesh) – Mesh object to be viewed
interactive (bool, optional) – View mesh in an interactive window, allowing for panning, rotation, etc. By default True.
bgcolor (_type_, optional) – _description_, by default None
color (str, array_like, or NoneType, optional) – Color of the surface, specified as a named color (see
, hex color code, or RGBA list/tuple/array). If None, the color will be chosen based on the theme, by default None.face_alpha (Float, optional) – Alpha value controlling face opacity - 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque, by default 1.
color_convert (str or NoneType, optional) – Convert the colors to simulate different types of color vision. Available options are “deuteranomaly”, “protanomaly”, “tritanomaly”, or “grayscale”, by default None. Color conversion is performed using Colorspacious
clim (tuple or NoneType, optional) – Color range bounds if displaying scalar data, by default None.
theme (str, optional) – Select a theme (see
), by default ‘default’.scalar_preference (str, optional) – In the even that scalars is specified by a string that references an entry in both M.NodeData and M.ElemData, this will decide which is chosen. Specified as either ‘nodes’ or ‘elements’, by default ‘nodes’.
view (str, optional) –
Named orientation for viewing the mesh, by default ‘iso’
Options are:
”iso” or “isometric” : isometric view
”dimetric” : dimetric view
”trimetric” : trimetric view
”xy” : View of the x-y plane with +x to the right and +y up
”xz” : View of the x-z plane with +x to the right and +z ups
scalars (str, array_like, or None, optional) – Scalar values to color the mesh by. If specified by a string, the string should be an entry in either M.NodeData or M.ElemData. If the string is present in both, scalar_preference will be used determine whether node or element data will be displayed (node by default). If specified by an array_like (numpy ndarray or list), the length of the array_like most be equal to either the number of nodes or the number of elements in the mesh. If None, the mesh will be given a solid color following color. By default None.
show_edges (bool, optional) – Show lines denoting element edges. For a wireframe view, set show_edges=True, show_faces=False, by default False.
show_faces (bool, optional) – Show element faces in the mesh. For a wireframe view, set show_edges=True, show_faces=False, by default True
line_width (int, optional) – Width of lines shown if show_edges=True, by default 1
line_color (None, optional) – Color of edges shown if show_edges=True, by default None. If None, color will be selected based on theme.
return_image (bool, optional) – If true, image array of the plot will be returned, by default False
hide (bool, optional) – If true, plot will not be shown, by default False
shading (str, optional) – Shading mode, by default ‘flat’ Options are ‘flat’, ‘smooth’, None
- Returns:
img_data – Image array of the plot. Only returned if return_image=True.
- Return type:
np.ndarray, optional