- mymesh.utils.ErodeVoxel(NodeCoords, NodeConn, nLayers=1)[source]#
Removes the specified number of layers from a hexahedral mesh
- Parameters:
NodeCoords (list of lists) – Contains coordinates for each node in a voxel mesh. Ex. [[x1,y1,z1],…]. The mesh is assumed to consist of only hexahedral elements.
NodeConn (List of lists) – Nodal connectivity list.
nLayers (int, optional) – Number of layers to peel. The default is 1.
- Returns:
PeeledCoords (List) – Node coordinates for each node in the peeled mesh.
PeeledConn (list) – Nodal connectivity for each element in the peeled mesh.
PeelCoords (list) – Node coordinates for each node in the layers of the mesh that have been removed.
PeelConn (list) – Nodal connectivity for each element in the layers of the mesh that have been removed.