- mymesh.utils.makePyramidLayer(VoxelCoords, VoxelConn, PyramidHeight=None)[source]#
Generate a set of pyramid elements that cover the surface of the voxel mesh. To merge the pyramid layer with the voxel mesh, use
.- Parameters:
VoxelCoords (list) – Contains coordinates for each node in a voxel mesh. Ex. [[x0,y0,z0],…].
VoxelConn (List) – Nodal connectivity list. The voxel mesh is assumed to consist of a set of uniform cubic hexahedral elements.
PyramidHeight (float (or None), optional) – Height of the pyramids. The default is None. If no height as assigned, it will default to 1/2 of the voxel size
- Returns:
PyramidCoords (list) – List of nodal coordinates for the pyramid elements.
PyramidConn (list) – List of nodal connectivities for the pyramid elements.